Now You Will Manage The Weeds


SYMIRNA is a systemic and contact product. It is a residual (permanent) herbicide and is taken into the body through the leaves and roots of the weeds. Deaths occur within 2-4 weeks, depending on the species and growing conditions. Spraying should be delayed under stress conditions caused by cold weather and excessive precipitation.

Points to be considered in the degradation and replanting of the field:

  • If barley is to be planted instead of wheat, it must first be plowed deeply.

Points to be considered in the second crop planting:

  • By paying attention to the deep plowing of the field; Dry corn, canola, sugar beet, sunflower can be planted after 5 months, and peas after 4 months.
  • In the fields where Symirna is used, lentils should not be planted after wheat.