HASYURT AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION (8-9-10 May 2024 Hasyurt-Finike)

HASYURT AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION (8-9-10 May 2024 Hasyurt-Finike)

As AMC-TR Agriculture, we participated the agricultural fairs held in Antalya Finike district Hasyurt Mahallesi between 8-9-10 May 2024.

As AMC-TR Agriculture, we participated the agricultural fairs held in Antalya Finike district Hasyurt Mahallesi between 8-9-10 May 2024.

AMC-TR Turkey General Manager Burhan Şimşek, Deputy General Manager Hasan Günerergin, Plant Protection Manager Daniş Özdönmez, Plant Nutrition Manager Can Türköz, Sales & Marketing Manager. Assist. Kerem Köseoğlu and our Regional Sales Representatives were present at our stand. Also, Cosmocel Turkey Representative Sinan Yiğit was among us as our guest.

At the fairs, where we have introduced our new products and solutions in plant protection, plant nutrition and seed units on greenhouse plants, especially tomatoes and peppers, the common products of the region and we shared useful information in order to develop our commercial relations in Turkey's market. We would like to thank all the manufacturers who visited our stands and for their valuable contributions.